Hello cafe friends!
I've just sat down on the sofa, and realised I've had two weeks off writing, and it is probably high time, I wrote again.
I hadn't planned on not writing, but life got fuller, in the most enjoyable way!
I'll be honest, by the end of March, I felt a bit of a fraud. Here I was thinking about and writing about joy, but feeling quite lacklustre. I began to write about the things that bought me joy, and planned to make a Fill My Cup video, then I felt, just for a fleeting moment my joyful voyage was only begining. So I have ventured on.
It began with a thought, wrapped in a podcast title, scribed in free writing and woven into my life.
The thought: I haven't had unfiltered fun in ages
The podcast: That Sounds Fun (Annie F. Downs)
The Writing: what is fun/play for me
The podcast is linked to a book which I am yet to read but in the sample talked about how we have fun and we play when we feel safe. 2020 left many of us feeling unsafe.
When was the last time you played or had fun?
I mean real fun, where you don't worry about what people think, or how you look, or need to filter it with a eye-catching caption. Fun where you laugh and can be silly and don't question afterwards if it was the right thing to do! (Type7s I see you, you know this stuff - but the rest of us need to learn!)
Last week I saw my Godson. We (me and his mum) worked out that I haven't seen them properly for a good two years. He's grown alot! From the minute I got there he asked if I would play Penquin Peril with him (this is actually a great game, I might even buy it!)
Then we played Jurassic Park (plus cheetah), followed by Cricket, where I found out I still can catch - now & then, and ended with my personal favourite, Narnia.
Narnia consists of running around the garden shouting "FOR NARNIA" battling the opposing army, freezing sometimes (waiting for Aslans Roar) & falling sometimes, but recovering once Lucy anointed you. IT. WAS. GREAT!
As I drove home, I thought of how much I'd played, and how fun it was, and how safe I have felt. His mum is one of my oldest friends, I felt safe just being my silliest there. As I drove, I thought how even more secure I am, when it comes to God, how he loves to see my have fun, play and enjoy His adventure of life.
Speaking of safe, but with a very different slice of joy, I also saw my dad this weekend. Thanks to restrictions being lowered, I saw him for the first time in 14 months. We met at the beautiful Standen House, in the wonderful sunshine and wandered around the gardens, breathing in the beautiful flora and the incredible views. Bliss.
So what is fun or play to you? I found it helpful to write it out in catergories:
Of course, they were all highlighted and picture drawn... because for me that's fun!
I hope this helps you, enjoy exploring what you find fun, and start to bring play and laughter back into 2021!