Hi! I'm Lou
Hello and come in, welcome to Cafe Hope
Hope is very important to me, and this blog is all about inspiring hope in you.
I am a coach at Oare Inspired and I love having deep conversations with people, I have a passion to unlock people's gifting, (see this post here) hope, and talents.
I love nothing better, than discovering a great café, with gorgeous coffee, that I can hideaway in to write and muse, or invite a friend to for a good ol' catch-up!
If you want to know a bit more about how I use my writing & creativity to stir my faith, then take a look at my post, Faith & Creative Writing​
So take a look around, you might find a table that you love to sit at, whether it's listening to the podcast, sampling a recipe, finding out what fills my cup, or fuelling your faith and life with hope; perhaps you will indulge in it all. Whichever, you are very welcome here.