Here’s to January – you were a bit of a treacle flood but we got through you! Here what's been filling my cup in January!
Welcome to the new blog! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas (albeit very different) and have started the year well. I stayed in my home town for Christmas and had my first ever Friend-mas. We are both single and so could bubble together – which also meant we could have New Year together too. There are some perks of living alone!!
I found my self in betwixt-mas writing out my goals for the year ahead and reviewing the year just gone. You can see my annual infograph here. I found it so helpful to do, and it gave me energy to think forward to this year. I chose not to use powersheets this year and instead opted to make my own, based on what worked for me, and with the ability to add in other items such as Gretchen Rubin’s idea for a 12 commandments list. Perhaps I should write a post for each of mine – would you find that interesting? Comment below!
2020 Fruitfulness
My word for last year was fruitful. Obviously, when the pandemic hit the UK in March I felt like this was the opposite of what was happening for me. Having taken time to work through my journal though, in the Christmas – New Year days, I can see that God indeed had made me fruitful. It may not be the fruit I was expecting but I can’t deny it is there.
It may not be the fruit I was expecting but I can’t deny it is there.
Take a break
January was a long slog, I think we can all agree on that , yes? I don’t do well with grey but I also was really having to plod through the tedium that this third lockdown bought with it.
I had already decided to kick the year off with a social media break (Facebook & Instagram), TV ban, and a Daniel Fast!
I reviewed this as the announcement was made, but decided that except for the TV ban (I mean – I had to do something!) I would keep the other breaks in.
The answer is yes
I was asked today if I felt better for it. The answer is yes, but mainly because I think, had I had Facebook, Instagram, wine, chocolate and coffee, they would have been my source of comfort & joy, and yet would not have bought me that at all. In the video below I chat more about the break and the fast! I’d love you to watch and perhaps comment!
Loving January
What did get me through January? Well, instead of numbing and scrolling and throwing daily pity parties (although there were a few – I really did struggle some days). I began to fill my time with activities which did bring me moments of happiness! I read (The Winter Ghosts, The Road Back to You), I sang (learning two songs), I exercised and discovered Boxing, Walking Workouts and Dance! I connected (thank you letters all done, walks and phone calls) and I drank a lot of de-caff coffee!
Here’s to January – you were a bit of a treacle flood but we got through you!
What got you through January? I would love to hear from you!
~ Lx