Time for a 40 before 40 update! I am 3 down - hurrah!! Many more to plan though!
It will come as no surprise to anyone who even vaguely knows me, that one of my deep joys in life is a trip to the theatre. I've grown up in a family that love the performing arts and was privileged to be in a school that also favoured them. My teenage years are filled with memories of gathering programmes in a shoebox, crossing my fingers and hoping the Bristol Hippodrome would close the 'gods' instead seating us down into the stalls (it happened more than once, looking forward to meeting my Gran in London to see a show. I loved the theatre growing up, and although had a brief hiatus through university (where musical theatre did not seem high brow or edgy enough), was drawn back to the stage once living in Faversham.
You Shall (not) go to the Ball
When the pandemic hit, at first the novelty of the new kept us all going. Then, when the realisation came, novelty wore off (for how can it be novel if it has become familiar), whimsy became weary, we longed for the familiar. The longer the familiar was held back, the harder I felt it. It seemed as if everything I loved was being kept behind bars, and not just everything I loved, but everything that gave me joy. Theatre, singing in groups, church, touch were some of the very last things to return.
for how can it be novel if it has become familiar
When I wrote my 40by40 list, I made it intentional whimsical. I wanted to include all the things I kept saying I wanted to do, and also the things that bring me joy or thrill! I may not get through them all but I'm going to try my hardest!
Beginners Please...
Theatre, therefore, had to make its way to the 40 by 40 stage. Come From Away was my first choice, with Only Fools & Horses coming in a close second. If I'm honest, I had completely forgotten that I had booked Cinderella, it was so long ago!
Come From Away was amazing; so much energy! and I did get my seat moved forward - yay! I was completely caught up in the story but also the choice of storytelling - if you haven't seen it then it is so worth watching. It is different from your usual musical, I loved watching how the cast move the set around creating different venues and characters - and the bar scene songs made me want to run up and join them in dancing (although not kissing the...).
You Shall Go to the Ball
Lloyd Webber's Cinderella blew my expectations through the roof! If I'm honest, I was regretting buying the tickets. Reviews seem to have been a little skewed and I really wasn't sure I understood the premise of the show. Yet, it was a chance to be in the theatre again and by the time thursday rolled around I had convinced myself it would be ok. It. was. excellent! The cast, the costumes, the surprises, the music, the realisation Laura Baldwin was in it(!), the (ahem) henchmen!! The whole thing was incredible. Added to that O2 has given us a priority area, meaning we had these lovely plush seats pre-show and at interval and could even leave our coats and snacks there.
I would say, the first act felt more like an extremely good panto (the humour was certainly there), if not for Only You which has a vintage ALW feel to it. Act Two felt much more like a musical but perhaps I had just got my head in the right place by then! If you are thinking of going I would definitely recommend it - and for you to be in the stalls. If you had O2 - definitely hop onto priority and book the lounge experience.
I'm off for a walk tomorrow, I think I am going to ponder on the other things that bring me joy and think about how I can add them into my life regularly. - Why not have a go at doing the same?
Update 40 by 40
31. Read unread books (not counting any gifted between now & 30th March)
32. Decide what to do for 40th
33. Learn a dance routine
34. See my godchildren - done
35. Try out vivo barefoot
36. My friend Karen says I need to have a coffee-related one, but I don't know what that is yet
37. Find a new lipstick
38. Plant Roses
39. This one is a blank one
40. Make a video of all this